Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time
A Dreamscape for every heart

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011


Fairy Tales?I do not believe that there is one single child in this world who does not know a story about a princess, castles, and a charming prince. These stories live in the heart and mind of people all around the world.When Walt Disney decided to create films about fairy tales he opened a enchanted world for millions of people who do not know read, now the princess can moves is alive, she is real, can move, dance and sing , and you can be a princess or prince too, why not?

According to Wikipedia Fairy Tale is:
A fairy tale is a type of short narrative that typically features such folkloric characters, such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants or gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments.The stories may nonetheless be distinguished from other folk narratives such as legends (which generally involve belief in the veracity of the events described)[1] and explicitly moral tales, including beast fables.

Originally most of these beautiful tales were not so beautiful, they would be cruel sometimes, They were told with the purpose of teach children, but they used to do it by fear. In these tales we have advices and morals like, be obedient to your parents, do not take anything a strange offers to you....
The most recent movie based on these original tales the most recent is "Red Riding Hood"


and the most famous film of this century Shrek that is like a satire of all of these popular tales, children and adults love this movie, I love this movie!!!

But as we saw before, These Fairy Tales tell stories about folkloric characters, each Coutry has its legends, so in Brazil we have:Caipora, Saci, Mula sem cabeça, Yara, etc
In Japan we have The Rabbit in the Moon, The Tale of the BambooCutter or Taketori Monogatari, etc.

In this site we can read these Japanese Tales in English!

So now have a seat, call your family, bring cookies, milk and tea and let's enjoy a beautiful, charming, and relaxing fairy tale, everybody can dream!

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